러시아 가스를 터키를 경유해서, 뭐 터키 가스라고 하고 유럽에 팔면
유럽 기득권 러시아 히스테리 발작 문제도 좀 누그러질테고,
이번 겨울 얼어죽는 저소득층도 줄고, 하여튼 여러모로 좋은 아이디어입니다.
일단 유럽 저소득층 사람들이 이번 겨울 에너지 대란으로 얼어죽으면 안 되니까요...
러시아에 너무 발작적 태도를 보이지 말고, 자국 시민들의 안전과 생계를 위해 "터키 가스"라고 하고 그냥 사시길....
....... [2022-10-20] IIS 지식정보네트워크.
19 OCT, 19:46
Turkey will create international hub to supply Russian gas to Europe — Erdogan
According to the Turkish leader, the hub should be established as soon as possible and the most suitable place for it is the Thrace region
in the European part of Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
© AP Photo/Darko Bandic
ANKARA, October 19. /TASS/. Turkey will create an international hub from which Russian gas can be supplied to Europe, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Wednesday.
Erdogan was speaking in parliament at a meeting of the faction of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) headed by him.
"In Europe they are now dealing with the question of how to stay warm in the coming winter. We don’t have such a problem. We have agreed with [Russian President] Vladimir Putin to create a gas hub in our country, through which natural gas, as he says, can be delivered to Europe. Thus, Europe will order gas from Turkey," he said.
Speaking at the Russian Energy Week forum last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed creating the largest gas hub in Europe in Turkey and redirecting the volume of gas, the transit of which is no longer possible through the Nord Stream, to this hub. According to him, it may imply building another gas pipeline system and creating a hub in Turkey, through which gas will be supplied to third countries, primarily European ones, if they are interested.
The creation of a gas hub in Turkey was discussed on October 13 in Astana at talks between the Russian and Turkish presidents. According to Erdogan, the hub should be established as soon as possible and the most suitable place for it is the Thrace region in the European part of Turkey.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan