IIS 지식정보센터

해외 뉴스





On April 3, the Russian Defense Ministry rejected the Kiev regime’s accusations of civilian killings in Bucha, Kiev region.

 The ministry noted that the Russian Armed Forces had left Bucha on March 30,

while "the evidence of crimes" emerged only four days later, after Ukrainian Security Service officers had arrived in the city.




 :  러시아 당국은 부차 학살에 대해 우크라이나 측의 조작(위장술책)을 주장하고 있네요.

3월 30일 러시아군이 떠나고 우크라이나 정보당국 관리들이 도시에 도착한지  4일 후나 되어서 나타난 학살 증거들...

우크라이나 당국 측의 조작이라고 러시아는 강력히 주장하고 있네요.



* false flag : 위장술책



 ......   [2022-10-22]   IIS 지식정보네트워크.                        








Russia still waiting for list of victims of Bucha false flag : 위장술책, envoy says


Vasily Nebnzya pointed out that Western countries "are trying to pretend that there is no need to prove anything




Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya  Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS

Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya

© Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS




UNITED NATIONS, October 22. /TASS/. Moscow is still waiting for a list of the victims of the false flag operation that Ukraine carried out in Bucha, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said at a UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine.


"I would like to reiterate that despite all the reminders, we still have not received a list of the victims of the false flag operation that Ukraine carried out in Bucha in April. It once again confirms that the Kiev authorities have nothing to share to prove their accusations and allegations," he noted.


Nebnzya also pointed out that Western countries "are trying to pretend that there is no need to prove anything and any of the Kiev regime’s allegations can be taken for granted." "You prefer to cover up for the criminal regime of nationalists, radicals and outright Nazis, assisting them in staging provocations and promoting lies about Russia and the actions of Russian troops," Nebenzya emphasized.


On April 3, the Russian Defense Ministry rejected the Kiev regime’s accusations of civilian killings in Bucha, Kiev region. The ministry noted that the Russian Armed Forces had left Bucha on March 30, while "the evidence of crimes" emerged only four days later, after Ukrainian Security Service officers had arrived in the city.














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