사실관계를 왜곡하고 극단적으로 한쪽 편을 들면서 전체주의를 끊임없이 확산시키는 서양의 추악한 실상에 대해 심각한 우려와 분노를 표합니다.
도저히 용납할 수 없는 반복되는 집단 학살 행위에 대한 철저한 조사와 관련자들에 대한 단죄를 강력한 요구합니다.
그리고 서양 동맹 기득권이 계속 이런 극단적인 인류의 만행을 조장하고 방조하고 공모하는 것에 대해 강력히 규탄-경고합니다.
더 이상 서양의 고질적 전체주의 만행과 가짜뉴스 도배질,
그리고 동맹을 핑계로 떼로 몰려다니며 제멋대로 선과 악을 규정하면서 실체를 감추고,
나치와 프로이트의 실체를 숨긴 채 인류 문명사 최악의 만행을 지속적으로 반복하는 전체주의와 제국주의 그 악한 망령을 떨쳐 내기를
강력히 촉구합니다.
도대체 언제까지 서양 기득권이 이런 식의 만행을 계속할 것인지, 매우 심각히 우려됩니다.
도저히 용납할 수 없는 악의 소굴에 대해 신속히 조치를 취하기 바랍니다.
...... [2022-11-20] IIS 지식정보네트워크.
MILITARY OPERATION IN UKRAINE 19 NOV, 06:08 Updated at: 09:24
Moscow calls for worldwide denunciation of Russian POW execution by Ukrainian troops — MFA
"All the perpetrators and those involved in the crimes will be identified and hold accountable,"
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova
© Russian foreign Ministry press service/TASS
MOSCOW, November 19. /TASS/. Russia urges international organizations to condemn the execution of Russian prisoners of war by Ukrainian soldiers and to conduct a thorough investigation, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Friday.
"We demand that international organisations condemn and thoroughly investigate this shocking crime. No atrocity (잔혹행위) committed by Ukrainian military units will remain unpunished. All those guilty and their accomplices will be identified and punished accordingly. Nobody will escape retribution," the Russian diplomat said, commenting on the video showing Ukrainian soldiers "mercilessly shooting unarmed Russian POWs," which has gone viral on the
"These shocking videos are further evidence of the crimes committed by Ukrainian neo-Nazis. Ukraine is flagrantly violating international humanitarian
law, specifically the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War and international human rights laws, including the
1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the 1984 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment," she said.
Zakharova went on to say that Russia has repeatedly drawn the attention of the international community "to Ukraine’s cruel and inhuman treatment of
detained Russian military personnel."
Ukrainian militants regularly disseminate videos showing how they murder, torture, humiliate and beat people, she said.
"Without any embarrassment, Ukrainian neo-Nazis showed their "exploits" for everyone to see. These videos will make your blood run cold - they shoot tied
up soldiers in the legs, disrespect the bodies of the dead and shoot unarmed soldiers and civilians. They have even shared footage (장면) of tanks crushing people alive. Foreign mercenaries (용병) also took part in these atrocities, like the cutthroats from the Georgian Legion that barbarically shot imprisoned Russian paratroopers outside Kiev last March," the spokeswoman said.
"The collective West that supports Kiev totally paid no attention to these numerous facts. Such approval by the US and European curators
makes them accomplices to the crimes committed by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis whom they foster," she went on, adding that the above-mentioned atrocities were committed not only by Ukraine’s neo-Nazi groups, but by regular troops as well.
"Their commitment to neo-Nazi ideology and actions in furtherance of those principles reveal the criminal essence of the Kiev regime," Zakharova added.
Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a criminal case over the mass shooting of Russian soldiers by Ukrainian troops. The case was opened on the basis of a video featuring Ukrainian soldiers executing at least 11 unarmed Russian servicemen who were taken prisoner in the Lugansk People’s Republic.
Maria ZakharovaMilitary operation in Ukraine