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1 DEC, 20:24


Moscow slams Bundestag resolution on genocide of Ukrainians as move to demonize Russia



The German parliament drew a veil over the fact that the famine affected not only Ukraine, but the entire Soviet Union at that time, the Russian Foreign Ministry said



© Valery Sharufulin/TASS



MOSCOW, December 1. /TASS/.


The Russian Foreign Ministry denounced on Thursday a Bundestag(독일 국회의사당) resolution classifying the mass starvation in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in 1932-1933 as genocide as yet another attempt to justify the campaign to demonize(악마로 만들다) Russia being inculcated(반복해서 머리에 어떤 생각을 심어주다) in



"This is yet another attempt to justify and prop up the Western-sponsored campaign being inculcated in Ukraine to demonize Russia and to pit ethnic Ukrainians

against the Russians and other ethnicities in Russia and across the former USSR," the Ministry said in a statement.


The German parliament drew a veil over the fact that the famine affected not only Ukraine, but the entire Soviet Union at that time, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. According to it, "Having forgotten that, German lawmakers from the ruling coalition and the CDU/CSU opposition group voted to prop up a political and ideological myth being nourished by the Ukrainian regime at the instigation(선동) of ultra-nationalist, Nazi and Russophobic forces".





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