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20 DEC, 11:42


Putin urges Russian special services to improve work in all areas amid new risks


He laid a special emphasis on security agency units in the new Russian regions where he said the situation was extremely complicated




© Pavel Bednyakov/POOL/TASS



MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/.



Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on the country’s special services to intensify work in all areas amid new challenges and risks.


In a transcript of his video address on Security Agency Worker’s Day, published by the Kremlin on Tuesday, the Russian leader said, "Today’s rapidly changing global situation and the emergence of new threats and challenges impose high demands on the entire system of Russia’s security agencies. This means that you need to significantly improve your work in key areas, and use your operational, technical and personnel potential to the fullest."


He laid a special emphasis on security agency units in the new Russian regions where he said the situation was extremely complicated. However, he said it was their duty to do all it takes to ensure the safety of Russian people living there.


Outlining the priorities of all special services, primarily the Federal Security Service (FSB), Putin focused on the fight against terrorism. "You have vast experience in countering terrorism; therefore, it is necessary to continue the efforts to prevent terrorist attacks in a system-wide and consistent way," he insisted.


The Russian president also urged the country’s counterintelligence agencies, including the military ones, to show "utmost readiness and concentration. It is necessary to put a firm stop to the activities of foreign special services, and to promptly identify traitors, spies and diversionists," he said.




Vladimir Putin







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