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Germany’s EU partners mum on tank deliveries to Kiev — politician



Kevin Kuehnert specified that equipment and particularly munitions were limited





Leopard 2 tank AP Photo/Roland Weihrauch

Leopard 2 tank

© AP Photo/Roland Weihrauch




BERLIN, February 6. /TASS/.

Secretary-General of Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) Kevin Kuehnert said that Germany’s European partners have been silent after the German

government decided to send Leopard 2 tanks from Germany’s military stockpiles to Ukraine in an interview with the ZDF TV channel on Sunday.


"Over the last couple of weeks, sometimes there has been an impression that everyone wants to supply [the tanks], Germany alone was not doing this," he said. "Now we see that Germany undertook specific obligations and a tank company will be delivered indeed. And suddenly it got very quiet around us," he stressed

commenting on the assertion that many European partners have not yet done anything on supplying the Kiev regime with tanks.


That said, he specified that equipment and particularly munitions were limited. "This is not some kind of a huge warehouse of goods where everything is ready

while somebody is refusing to deliver it. The supplies are scarce," the politician concluded.


On Saturday, Der Spiegel reported that the German government was actively trying to convince other countries to participate in the military equipment deliveries to Ukraine, however, there had been practically no obligations on the part of its European partners.


On January 25, the German government confirmed that it would send 14 Leopard 2 tanks from Germany’s military stockpiles to Ukraine and issue permits to

other countries for their re-export. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that the tanks would arrive in Ukraine "by the end of March." The UK, Poland,

France, Norway and Slovakia also announced their plans to provide tanks to Kiev. The Kiev regime is hoping to receive up to 140 tanks from 12 countries in the

first batch.





Military operation in Ukraine




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