IIS 지식정보센터

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떠오르는 바이올리니스트 에스더 유의 연주입니다.




















Chad Lawson

구독자 1.74만명



#classicalpiano #breathe #chadlawson



Chad Lawson - fields of forever (feat. Peter Gregson & Esther Yoo) [Official Music Video]



조회수 121,626회2022. 7. 15.










Chad Lawson

구독자 1.74만명



fields of forever is about planting seeds of life along our path; the everyday becoming the most special. Those seemingly small details are often the ones that stay with us the longest. They linger in our minds, and they inspire us with their persistence. The smallest things having the biggest impact.


my new album 'breathe' is out now: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/breathe


follow chad:

instagram: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/instagramid

facebook: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/facebookid

twitter: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/twitterid

tiktok: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/tiktokid

spotify: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/spotifyid

apple music: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/applemusicid

amazon: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/amazonmusicid

soundcloud: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/soundcloudid

pandora: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/pandoraid

youtube music: https://chadlawson.lnk.to/youtubemusic


official website https://www.chadlawson.com/


video credits:

directed and produced by Caitlin Gerard - @caitlin.gerard

commissioned by Liz Hart  

line producer: Mielle Gerard - @mielle____

director of photography: Vince Patin - @vpthedp

stedicam: Anthony Valerio - @by_ant.valerio

AC: Linnea Joelsson - @nea.robertsdotter

gaffer: Joy Wang - @doyeee

key electric: Brandon Garman - @dirtcityrebel

key grip: Jesse Mejia - @jesseonset

production designer: Cheyenne Pearson - @cheyennepeerson

art assistant: Olivia Goldsmith - @charming_chap101

editor: Robin Gonsalves - @rawbean720

colorist: Alex Martin - @amartincolor

choreographer: Genna Moroni - @minimoroni



Taylor Unwin - @win_un

Blake Miller - @blake_the_reject

Adrian Hoffman - @adrian.hoffman

Hope Spears - @hope.a.spears

Riley Roberts - @rileyroberts

Andrea Bess - @andreaabess 


#chadlawson #fieldsofforever #breathe #petergregson #estheryoo #calmitdown #classicalpiano


Music video by Chad Lawson, Peter Gregson, Esther Yoo, James Southall performing Lawson: fields of forever. A Decca Records US release; © 2022 Chad Lawson Music, LLC, under exclusive license to Universal Music Classics, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc










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