IIS 지식정보센터

해외 뉴스





I will warn you now that this administration does not plan on releasing power.


I received a call Friday from a long-time buddy of mine whom I served with for years. He called and asked me to leave my cell phone at the house while we met to talk. 


He said he and his wife would be moving out of the country to Thailand soon. He believes the U.S. will not be a place to live in 2024. 


As we spoke, some things he stated made my skin crawl. I will be sending our conversation out in today's newsletter. 


The current influx of people spanning many different countries will be granted amnesty soon. He believes it is the easiest way for their next phase to work by making them all legal. 


This means the government will forgive individuals for remaining or entering the country illegally and give them permanent residency in the United States.


These individuals will be allowed to vote and serve in our military to protect their interests, not ours. 


One thing is for sure: they show no signs of concern lately, nor have we heard much from them. It’s always darkest before the storm, and there is one heck of a storm brewing. 


I wonder if they plan this for the March 7 State of the Union address, where they will detail their vision of the nation amid a presidential campaign that the White House has described as a test of democracy.


What are your thoughts?












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